Journal / Menopause

What happens when we refuse to let our bodies rest?

6 Sep, 2024

The link between reduced resilience to stress, burnout and midlife.

6 Sep, 2024

Depending on the research studies, between 33-60% are offered antidepressants in midlife rather than HRT.

The reason? We still don’t talk enough about the psychological symptoms of menopause. And, although the correlation between hormone fluctuations and a reduced resilience to stress are clear, low mood, particularly amongst women in their late 30s and early 40s can be misdiagnosed as depression.

In conversations within our community, it’s clear that many of us respond to psychological shifts by attempting to push on through. That is definitely my story of early perimenopause. I think, perhaps because I didn’t know what was happening, I felt I didn’t have permission to rest. I was angry at my inability to perform my job, function as a mother, get through the day without disaster striking. I hated how fragile I felt too. But, as many experts in our community are quick to point out, ‘If we don’t listen to our bodies when they whisper, they will scream’.

Our bodies can not distinguish between stress that occurs within our bodies and the external stress of everyday life. But there are a number of practices we can simply introduce that both prepare for increased cortisol level fluctuations and are available in-the-moment too. Here are our top 3:

Emotional Freedom Technique:

EFT has a significant body of research supporting it. A practice that combines the principles of ancient Chinese acupressure with modern psychology, encouraging you to focus on a particular issue or emotion whilst tapping on specific meridian points which are considered hot spots of energy. Tapping on these meridian points whilst incorporating positive thoughts and affirmations sends calming signals to the brain, letting it know it is safe to relax. If you’re curious to explore further, this month’s Meno.Well Masterclass is with the brilliant Donna Grant. We have a few spots remaining. Click HERE now.


This practice is something I’m committing to my menopause arsenal right now! A practice that is so well established in parts of Europe that it is covered by Corporate Health Cover, it remains relatively unknown in the UK. A blend of relaxation techniques, mental and breathwork, gentle movement, meditation and visualisation, it helps us manage anxiety, prepare for difficult events, address repeating triggers and manage the curve balls of life.

This month I had my first session LIVE on instagram with Dominique, a leading therapist, author and founder of BeSophro. To experience a taste of it too, click HERE.

Loving Kindness Meditation:

We now know that kindness is, in its own way, a self care tool. And that practising Loving Kindness Meditation can help us alleviate anxiety, stress and reduce inflammation in the body too. As a practice it is an invitation to love all beings, as well as ourselves and can be a wonderful addition to a nightly routine. There are a range of guided LKM meditations available, but our favourite remains the Insight Timer recording by our own resident therapist and author, the wonderful Henny Flynn. Click HERE to give it a try

Smart supplementation can also be a powerful foundational support for reduced resilience to stress too. If you’re curious to learn more, check out our best-selling MOOD-FOOD now.

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