Journal / Ageing Well

What is your skin trying to tell you about your health?

13 Jun, 2024

Traditional medicine practitioners have used signs ‘communicated’ by our skin, hair, nails, eyes and tongue for centuries to identify issues with our health. 

13 Jun, 2024

And, as the Western World’s interest in these therapies builds, there is a growing body of research now supporting many of the principles and diagnoses too.

Our skin can undergo dramatic change during our menopause transition. From the much documented natural decline in collagen to the less talked about shifts in hormone production that influence how we should care for our skin. For example, did you know:

  • Melatonin reduction in midlife, has implications for our skin due to its anti-inflammatory properties, making it even more critical to remember to apply SPF every day?

  • Cortisol surges can trigger our skin to produce more sebum (oil), affecting our pores but also breaking down collagen and elastin if it persists over time?

  • The natural decrease in oestrogen levels during menopause impacts our skin’s ability to defend itself against oxidative stress, which further exacerbates collagen reduction and elastin production - leading to thinner skin, the loss of ‘tone’ or elasticity and also wrinkles.

  • And melanin production is impacted by oestrogen decline too? Which is why, as we transition through midlife, we may find the appearance of dark ‘age spots’ become more prominent. 

And, although we need more research, there is a clear link between our gut microbiota and our skin’s condition too. 

Liver support is something I need to focus on as I transition post-menopause. In my latest conversation with our resident holistic skin expert and facialist Justine Masters, AKA The Alternative Facialist, she took one look at my eyes and said ‘liver’!

So, what will this signal mean for me?

  1. Upping my intake of leafy greens and cruciferous vegetables and adding fresh turmeric and ginger to dishes for flavoursome goodness too

  2. Consistently taking our prebiotic formula Gut Instinct 30 minutes before each meal to gently rebuild my gut microbiota and soothe gut discomfort, bloating and craving in the immediate near-term.
  3. The inclusion of gentle botanicals as tea: dandelion root and ginger are a great place to start.

  4. Body brushing to stimulate my lymph

  5. Bouncing: Justine recommends getting a Trampette and making it part of a daily fitness routine to get everything moving.

  6. Facial cupping: which enables us to shift blockages the appear on our face


Then topically? We’ll be covering all this and more in our next Meno.Well Masterclass on 20th June, 2024.

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