Journal / Phenomenal Women

Could movement be the route back to ourselves?

20 Jun, 2024

"Free Your Spine is movement magic for the people"
Annie Powers. Program Curator at SXSW. Austin, Texas

20 Jun, 2024

Meet the wonderful Nicola Cher Geismar, a pioneering Pilates movement educator who has taken her decades of experience to craft a truly unique practice that helps us take care of our spine as well as our minds in midlife - and is making waves both in the UK and the USA!

Q. First tell us what the Free your Spine method ‘is’ and what is it designed to support?

The Free Your Spine mission emphasises the importance of embracing and caring for your back. We offer online and in-person workshops, programs, and talks focused on playful back health movements. Our method supports women in reconnecting with joy and self-expression while developing a strong and flexible spine and back muscles, enabling easier movement and improved posture.

Q. Then, tell us a little bit about how it came to be.

Free Your Spine emerged from my personal journey of overcoming injury and a deep passion for spinal movement's transformative power on both physical and emotional well-being. Having navigated through depressive episodes and chronic back pain, I discovered that specific back and hip movements could alleviate these challenges. As a creative outlier and movement enthusiast, I've always embraced unconventional approaches, evident in my previous venture, City is my Playground, which leverages urban spaces for physical expression.

With a diverse background spanning from London's Hip Hop scene to over 25+ years of dance, fitness and Pilates training, I fused various influences into a holistic approach to spinal and body wellness. After facing dance injuries and scoliosis (a lateral curve of the spine) I embarked on an exploration to develop a proactive method to future-proof people's backs amidst sedentary lifestyles. I observed society's increasing conformity and detachment from self-expression, leading to physical and mental stagnation. I noticed a gap in various movement methods when it came to 3 dimensional and rotational movements of the torso which are often lacking too in people's day to day life. Free Your Spine aims to reintroduce playfulness and holistic/functional conditioning, empowering individuals to move freely and live more vibrantly.

Q. You’ve recently expanded your offering to specifically look at menopause too. What drove this evolution?

As I turned 40, my menstrual cycle went MIA, a perplexing experience shared by many women.

Initially attributing it to stress, it was only three years into irregular bleeds that I realised it was part of my journey into what I now know to be called perimenopause. The past five years have been a rollercoaster of learning and fluctuations. Through this journey, Free Your Spine has naturally evolved to support women navigating perimenopause. I've personally experienced how hormonal
changes can impact back health - having suffered a back injury in 2020 - and the effect that PM has on our mental health too. Strengthening our spine and freeing our back muscles is crucial to ward off osteoporosis and joint pain. I'm committed to facilitating an empowering transition, both physically, mentally and emotionally, through this chapter, enabling women to navigate it with greater ease and fortitude

Q. What were the early symptoms or perimenopause for you? And what have you learned about your body and mind’s needs during this phase of life?

Navigating perimenopause continues to be a journey. What's been helping me along the way:

⚡️Prioritising movement practices for physical and emotional well-being. I have got remarkably good at punching the air and my pillows!

⚡️Honouring and moving through emotions rather than suppressing them. Feel your feels

⚡️Seeking professional guidance for hormone checks and nutritional support

⚡️Starting hormone replacement therapy (HRT) when necessary and suitable

⚡️Staying hydrated to combat dry skin.

⚡️Seeking support from understanding friends who may be experiencing similar challenges.

Education and awareness about perimenopause are crucial, as it involves over 40 symptoms beyond insomnia and hot flashes.

Some of the earlier symptoms I faced included insomnia, acute back pain, fatigue, hot flushes, dehydration, skin issues, anxiety, and panic attacks. I stand in solidarity with women navigating this phase, advocating for better education and support. Recommendations include seeking nutritional support, joining support groups, and considering therapy. Additionally, let's encourage our favourite brands to acknowledge and support women through this life phase. #freeyourspine

Q. And what do you wish your younger self had known about:

Life: Your mess is your message
Love: Painful endings can lead to powerful beginnings.
Health: Proactivity ahead of Reactivity
Work: Your sensitivity is your superpower

Finally, where can people go to find out more about your work?

Instagram is a good place to start @thefreeyourspinemethod
Can check the site out too

I have also recently launched a 1:1 online program (Free Spine Free Mind) for Peri (menopausal) women combining Pilates, emotions are energy in motion and the Free Your Spine methodology. Get in touch with me on to talk more

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