Sleep Journal
Free with Mood-Food Sleep Bundle

Sleep Journal

Our exclusive naturopathic sleep guide, packed full of expert advice to repair your relationship with sleep.

Research shows that 60% of us will struggle with sleep during menopause. And research in our own community highlights that sleep issues persist right across our midlife transition too. 

In fact, it is often one of the first indicators that our hormone patterns are starting to shift. Which is why, to mark National Sleep Awareness Month, we’ve created a unique sleep bundle designed to give you the tools you need to find rest.

A 28 page digital Sleep journal with your first delivery: with practical advice for midlife from Dr. Kat Lederle, a leading circadian sleep scientist, Dr. Maja Schaedel, sleep psychologist and founder of the Good Sleep Clinic as well as a detailed look at the lifestyle and medical interventions that may support you, from MPowder’s resident naturopath and herbalist Dr. Vera Martins.